Coatzacoalcos y Minatitlán now with service of Red Compartida | ALTÁN Redes

Coatzacoalcos y Minatitlán now with service of Red Compartida

28 February, 2020

    • More than 387 thousand inhabitants among both places, added to the national coverage of “Te network for all”
    • With these two important gulf cities, more than 1 million 620 thousand inhabitants in the state of Veracruz already have commercial availability of the best mobile broadband network in Mexico
    • Altán-La Red Compartida thus reaches more than 57 million people nationwide in 33 cities in the country and 58 Magical Towns

    Mexico City; February 28th, 2020.- Altán Redes, the Mexican mobile operator responsible for the development of Red Compartida, reports that the coverage of its mobile broadband network is now commercially available in Coatzacoalcos and Minatitlán, in the state of Veracruz, along with its urban and rural adjacent areas.


    With this commercial start-up, under the 4.5G-LTE technology, the latest in the market, more than 387 thousand inhabitants (+209 thousand people in Coatzacoalcos and +178 thousand people in Minatitlán) are covered in these vicinities.


    Of these thousands of Veracruz residents under the network coverage, more than 51 thousand inhabitants are in rural locations near these urban poles, including 60 locations classified as “high” and “very high marginalization” according to the Marginalization Index by Locality of the National Population Council *.


    Coatzacoalcos and Minatitlán join the coverage already available in the state since the end of 2019 at the port of Veracruz, as well as the Magic Towns of Orizaba and Xico. Combined, these 5 commercial areas provide network coverage to more than 1 million 620 thousand inhabitants, of which about 340 thousand are in locations of less than 10 thousand inhabitants.


    In operation since March 2018, the network has more than 60 operators and retailers of telecommunication services, under its wholesale commercial model, and through which various offers of mobile services and fixed wireless internet are sold to the home or business for the population in the country.


    The national coverage of Altán-La Red Compartida is now available for more than 57 million people (almost 11 million in locations with less than 10,000 inhabitants) in 33 cities (including its urban and rural areas), and 58 Magic Towns. 


    To review the national coverage of the network:

    About Altán Redes

    Mexican private company that develops and operates Red Compartida, the most important telecommunications project in recent years in Mexico. It is deploying state-of-the-art infrastructure to provide to 70% of the population coverage -before January 2022-, including an energetic nationwide program of social coverage deployment to areas of high marginalization and digital exclusion, with the intention to cover almost 100,000 localities of less than 250 inhabitants and more than 20,000 localities of less than 5,000 inhabitants. The technical capabilities and service experience of Altán-La Red Compartida network developed using 4.5G LTE technology over the 700 MHz spectrum, are currently the best offered, according to independent quality ranks published on the mobile market in Mexico. Under a wholesale business model, it has more than 60 operators as wholesale clients, including the country’s main telecommunications operators and retail distributors, who sell the network’s services to the end-users. Altán-La Red Compartida network is developed under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract with the Mexican Government to promote the vision of achieving a better and more connected country for its inhabitants, bringing Internet to everyone in the country. Altán’s commitment is to reach at least 92.2% of the Mexican population by 2024.  


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