ALTÁN extends its coverage in Coahuila: Saltillo and Arteaga join Red Compartida; The Network covers more than 48 million people nationwide | ALTÁN Redes

ALTÁN extends its coverage in Coahuila: Saltillo and Arteaga join Red Compartida; The Network covers more than 48 million people nationwide

19 September, 2019

  • Saltillo and its conurbation area, as well as the Pueblo Mágico of Arteaga, now have the 4.5G connectivity of Red Compartida.
  • This launch provides coverage to more than 709,000 people of which more than 36,000 are located in towns with less than 10,000 inhabitants.
  • The commercial operation of ALTÁN already reaches 22 markets nationwide, 40 Pueblos Mágicos and more than 3,200 locations of “high” and “very high” marginalization. 
  • The national coverage of Red Compartida reaches more than 48 million people (+43% of the total population of Mexico) of which more than 9 million are located in towns of less than 10,000 inhabitants.
  • By the end of October 2019, Red Compartida will reach almost 60 million people (more than 11.5 million in towns of less than 10,000 inhabitants), 29 markets, 56 Pueblos Mágicos, and almost 19,000 rural areas.


September 19th, 2019. ALTÁN Redes, the Mexican company responsible for the deployment and operation of Red Compartida -the country’s wholesale mobile broadband Network- begins its commercial offer in Saltillo – the most populated city in Coahuila – and in its conurbation and rural areas; as well as in the Pueblo Mágico of Arteaga, to provide 4.5G connectivity to more than 709,000 people, of which more than 36,000 are located in towns of less than 10,000 inhabitants.

With this launch, Red Compartida reaches 363 locations in the capital of Coahuila, including 21 villages classified with “high” and “very high” marginalization, which without Red Compartida would continue with a poor or no connectivity to surf the Internet from a fixed device at home or business, or from mobile devices.  

Saltillo, emblematic municipality in the history of Mexico, is the second market in Coahuila that already has the coverage of Red Compartida; Torreón recently initiated the commercial offer of the Network in La Laguna, which provides coverage to the two most important economic hubs of the State.

With the incorporation of the Pueblo Mágico of Arteaga, a place of great tourism importance for the region and which is known as “the Switzerland of Mexico” -due to its forested landscapes and winter sports- the Network reaches 40 Pueblos Mágicos nationwide, all with 4.5G technology, the latest in the market.

The national coverage of Red Compartida reaches more than 48 million people (+43% of the total population of Mexico), of which more than 9 million are located in towns of less than 10,000 inhabitants.


It is important to highlight that Red Compartida has a high sense of social inclusion so, in addition to the quality obligations that require the Network to offer the best benefits for end-users, it must reach 92.2% of the population by 2024 (and at least 15% must be located in towns of less than 10,000 inhabitants). 


With this deployment, the broadband Internet access coverage goals are advanced and competition in the market is promoted; both objectives established for Red Compartida by the Government of Mexico, that will contribute to bring Internet to everyone.


About ALTÁN Redes

Mexican private company that develops and operates Red Compartida, the most important telecommunications network in recent years in Mexico. It is a modern mobile broadband network of wholesale, neutral and non-discriminatory type, in the 700 MHz band, which will increase the coverage of the most advanced 4G-LTE services to at least 92.2% of the Mexican population. Red Compartida is developed through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the Government of Mexico, which contributes decisively to reduce the digital gap, bringing the Internet to those who need it most and increasing competition in the market for the benefit of end-users of telecommunications services. 


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